
Ketamine: A Cure For Depression, A Risk For Addiction!

The guest of Dr. Esra Çavuşoğlu, PhD’s 37th episode is Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz.

In this episode titled “The Ketamine Dilemma: A Cure for Depression, a Risk in Addiction!”, Prof. Dr. Dilbaz, a distinguished physician, follows the latest technological advancements and clinical studies in the medical and scientific world closely, bringing these innovations to Turkey and even being the first to implement some worldwide. A graduate of Anadolu University Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz has served at Ankara Numune Hospital and held the position of AMATEM Director. Since 2012, she has been managing the Addiction Center at NPİSTANBUL Hospital, which is a scientific partner of Üsküdar University.

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In this Episode of Ayık Kafa

The guest of Dr. Esra Çavuşoğlu, PhD’s 37th episode is Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz. In this episode, they discuss ketamine—a substance that has recently caused a lot of confusion. Although highly effective in treating depression, ketamine also carries a high addiction potential when used recreationally.

00:00-4:30 Introduction
4:30-10:25 The healing and harmful properties of ketamine
10:25-15:45 Everything that increases pleasure can lead to addiction
15:45-23:00 The history of ketamine: from anesthetic use to depression treatment
23:00-30:04 The difference between ketamine and esketamine; criteria for determining use
30:04-33:01 Monoamine, NMDA, and glutamate hypotheses in the development of depression
33:01-35:33 The relationship between addiction, glutamate, and especially dopamine
35:33-40:46 Duration of ketamine treatment
40:46-57:30 The misconception that psychiatrists prescribe medication, while psychologists provide therapy
57:30-1:07 The lack of long-term residential rehabilitation centers in Turkey
1:07-1:12 Pharmacogenetic studies. Conclusion.

Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz.

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